Untitled by Lux Interior
(did you know Polyvore won't let you make a set with only one item in it??? Weaksauce!)
So I bought those bobo Urban Outfitters keds the other day, and of course they are too big and shapeless and smell like tires (but I like that smell). I was thinking about how to salvage them when inspiration struck, as it always does, in the form of someone else's blog. Rumi's studded Zara boots gave me fresh hope for the future, and after a quick order from Angry Young and Poor for some pyramid studs, I am ready. You will see them soon.
And the other shoes in that pic are delectable exposed-zip knee high boots of softest calf, yadda yadda yadda, $600 or more. I am always being tempted.
NB: Am I the only one who, on sites like Liebe Marlene, can't see half of the pictures? Like they're cut off by the Blogger format? And I've tried it in all the major browsers (including Chrome). Does no one else notice? If not, all the comments are in Emperor's New Clothes style.
NBB: This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
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