I am making my New Years fashion resolutions, which are in no order:
-more cashmere
-more attention to how clothes fit and not the size on the label
-more novelty
-more asymmetry
-sell off the things I don't wear, as I have a nasty habit of thrifting clothes too big and too small, and tiny shoes from the 30s that will never ever fit me in a million years
-start my own clothing line (!)
-get clothing and shoes organized so I stop buying another black tank top when I already have four
-take more outfit pictures! This is the most important resolution!
Further inspiration:

Hello, 911? This is not the Black Flag 'TV Party' 12" single on white vinyl I ordered from ebay, etc

My birthday is in two weeks; I am planning on winning (aren't we all) this mourning dress from ebay to wear to my party:
O, the cleverness of me!
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