I've never been tempted to check asos.com, I think because I believed that it was the same clothes they sell in the supermarket in England (but I think that's actually Primark? Someone correct me if I'm wrong), but I have and it's clear that I probably shouldn't have. Of course I'm still not necessarily condoning it, because I believe we are all better dressers, and shouldn't be trying to emulate exactly Peaches Geldof and Whosits, because we are better than that. Let's say it together!

Two ways to get the Gothic Lolita look without someone asking you if Halloween is early this year.

Silk t-shirt dress! I'm for it!

Were this not $160 or so, I'd so buy it. T-shirt not included, which just makes my brain swell with possibilities. I think those are possibilities.

Some dresses don't need witty captions

However, they have an incredible selection of Terry De Havilland shoes. If there's a celebrity to wish to imitate, be certain first that they have worn a pair of TDHs at some point. Then you have the green light for emulation! Maybe when I pay my credit card down I will buy a pair of $600 shoes. I am feeling faint, must lie down now.
I like your style. The crossover of gothic & preppy is great. My style tends to lean towards being 'pretty', which I don't particularly like, so I try to balance it out with something more rockstar... usually in the form of kick ass shoes, leather belts & jackets, & other accessories. So, your blog is a good source of inspiration. You know your style, you don't follow trends. Keep it up!
well hey, if it's any consolation, i spend a lot of my time trying to be "pretty", but it doesn't work! so this is what i'm forced into! thanks for the compliments :)
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